Sunday, July 26, 2009

Welcome in SI

Well, around the rain and wind and waves, I made it to Welcome here in St. Ignace. Yesterday was the big Fish Feast and it went well, with over 350 people coming aboard. Today was rather slow, but we still had 75 people check her out. Bob made dogs for lunch and we were invited to the Mackinac Grill for dinner. Tasty food, and thanks to everyone in St Ig that made us feel... welcome.

We got a lot done today with rig tuning and getting things ready to be able to set sails soon. Up until now, we have been a motor boat with a mast. All of the beautiful signal flags for Welcome (found by Bob Radzicki and laundered and pressed by Linda Enger- thanks!) went up today and she is quite stylish in the harbor.

Don't tell anyone, but we are planning a sneak attack on the fort at Mackinac Island tomorrow. Only 2 people outside of the boat know our plan, so we hope to have pictures to share in the coming days. It will be fun to be at the Island with all the racers from the Port Huron race as well, and then we'll head to Mac City to set up for tours this weekend.

The boat continues to be doing very well after our 33 days in the yard and all the work that got her ready to go. The pump runs about 15 seconds every 2 hours, drum tight for a 30 year old wood boat. If you haven't had a chance to get on Welcome or to sail her, call the office and get signed up for a sail. She is an impressive boat with an impressive crew, and a perfect compliment to our schooner Madeline and cutter Champion. I'll write more when I can.